15 rue de Montreuil
78000 Versailles
56 bis rue des Fours à Chaux
49100 Angers
Website Design
Blitz Conseil
56 bis rue des Fours à Chaux
49100 Angers
Web development
Net Concept
9 rue James Watt
49070 Beaucouzé
Host is hosted by:
Net-concept, 9 rue James Watt 49070 Beaucouzé, SA au capital de 26 976,00 €, inscrite au registre du commerce et des sociétés d’Angers sous le numéro 40955421900058.
Internet user rights
In France, internet users rights are overseen by the CNIL:
“Due to the almost infinite potential of information technology, the loi du 6 janvier 1978 includes strict measures to protect users from the dangers involved in the reproduction of data. Organisations who deal with personal data are held responsible and form an essential part of the protection process: those who handle personal data are required to comply with an ethical and legal framework and those who submit their personal data have certain rights.”
For more information (in French):
Cookie policy
In order to facilitate the use of our website and to make it more user-friendly, we use cookies. Cookies are small files that enable us to compare the level of new visitors with previous visitors, to understand how users browse our website and to obtain data that will allow us to improve the browsing experience in the future. The cookie-related information is not used to identify you and personal data is never recorded. If you do not wish to use cookies, you can set your browsers to delete them and/or receive notification when they are being stored. If you do not wish to change your cookie configuration, just continue to browse the site.
For more information, see the website of the CNIL (French data protection agency):
Personal information
Those whose personal information appears on the website have been informed of their rights. They have an immediate access to the site and can rectify any information through the publisher.
Contact form: request for personal information
Objective: This information will allow us to get to know you and answer your request in the most efficient way possible. This information will never be shared and will be stored for a maximum period of two years.
You have the right to request to access, change, correct or remove any of your personal data (art.34 of the “Informatique et Libertés” law). To do so, send an email to: site[@]
This website complies with French and international copyright and intellectual property legislation. All rights are reserved, including documents available to download and all images and photographs. Any complete or partial reproduction of this site electronically is forbidden without the permission of the publisher.
All queries:site[@]